
Winter 5770 / 2010, no. 39

From the Editors:

A State in Need of a Spine
By Marla Braverman


Knowledge-Nation Israel: A New Unifying Vision
By Carlo Strenger
To prosper in an interconnected world, the Jewish state must undergo a paradigm shift.

The Holocaust and the Trial of Modernity
By Yaki Menschenfreund
Radical thinkers are all too eager to portray the Final Solution as a byproduct of Western rationality.

Of God's Love and Jealousy
By Yehuda Liebes
The dangers of divine affection.


Hitler's Unwilling Partners
Reviewed by Boaz Neumann
Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany by Francis R. Nicosia

The War that Keeps on Teaching
Reviewed by Shmuel Rosner
Lessons in Disaster: McGeorge Bundy and the Path to War in Vietnam
by Gordon M. Goldstein

A Job Badly Done
Reviewed by Benjamin Kerstein
A Serious Man Written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen


Jews and Christian; Chabad's Messianism

From the

Israel and the Palestinians: A New StrategyThe former IDF chief of staff proposes a different approach to dealing with an old conflict.
The Gaza Flotilla and the New World DisorderINGOs are trying to reshape world politics at the expense of the nation-state.
Lawrence of JudeaThe champion of the Arab cause and his little-known romance with Zionism.
Civilians FirstOnly in Israel does concern for the safety of soldiers override the state’s obligation to defend its civilians.
Far Away, So CloseHow the commandments bridge the unbridgeable gap between God and man.

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