
Winter 5768 / 2008, no. 31

From the Editors:

Civilians First
By Assaf Sagiv
Only in Israel does concern for the safety of soldiers override the state’s obligation to defend its civilians.


Zionism's New Challenge
By Assaf Inbari
Why we need a Jewish melting pot.

Far Away, So Close
By Yosef Yitzhak Lifshitz
How the commandments bridge the unbridgeable gap between God and man.

Israel's Electoral Complex
By Amotz Asa-El
Israeli politics needs a system overhaul.


Class Act
Reviewed by James R. Otteson
The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce by Deirdre N. McCloskey

An Orthodox Revolution?
Reviewed by Aharon Rose
Internal Popular Discourse in Israeli Haredi Society by Kimmy Caplan

Courting Lady Liberty
Reviewed by Henry Olsen
Modern Liberty and the Limits of Government by Charles Fried

Kaddish for the Disappeared
Reviewed by Marla Braverman
The Ministry of Special Cases by Nathan Englander


Aaron Ciechanover on Israeli education; David Novak on Jewish marriage.

From the

The Magician of LjubljanaThe totalitarian dreams of Slavoj Žižek.
Israel's Electoral ComplexIsraeli politics needs a system overhaul.
Levi Eshkol, Forgotten HeroIsrael’s third prime minister offers a different model of Jewish leadership.
I.B. Singer's Cruel ChoiceFate and freedom for his characters, for himself.

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