
Winter 5761 / 2001, no. 10

From the Editors:

The Year of Ruling Dangerously
By David Hazony


Orde Wingate: Friend Under Fire
By Michael B. Oren
The new historians take aim at the father of the IDF.

The Supreme Court In Loco Parentis
By Evelyn Gordon
The court’s outrageous ban on spanking one’s child.

Secret of the Sabbath
By Yosef Yitzhak Lifshitz
It isn’t about R&R. It’s about how to be a creative human being.

The Brilliant Failure of Jewish Foreign Policy
By Ruth R. Wisse
For two millennia, Jews developed a method of survival in exile--which may also have led to their downfall.


Deciphering American Morality
Reviewed by Jeff Jacoby
One Nation, Two Cultures by Gertrude Himmelfarb

The Authoritarian Mill
Reviewed by Joel Schwartz
John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control by Joseph Hamburger


Hebrew Literature, American Zionism and more.

From the

The UN’s Palestinian Refugee ProblemHow to solve their plight and end the half-century-long crisis.
God's Alliance with ManBy adopting the features of ancient treaties, the Bible effected a revolution in the way we relate to God and to each other.
Cruel BritanniaAnti-Semitism in Britain has gone mainstream.
Save the Citizens’ Army
I.B. Singer's Cruel ChoiceFate and freedom for his characters, for himself.

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