
Winter 5765 / 2005, no. 19

From the Editors:

Save the Citizens’ Army
By Michael B. Oren, Benjamin Balint


Naomi Shemer, 1930-2004
By Yishai Haetzni
Remembering Israel’s first lady of song.


Machiavelli’s Morals
By Hillay Zmora
The “Prince of Darkness” on human virtue.

Globalization: Just Do It
By Assaf Sagiv
Does Nike make a better world?

God’s Beloved: A Defense of Chosenness
By Meir Soloveichik
Jews and Christians disagree about what love is.

The Hope of Marseille
By Claire Berlinski
France’s most Muslim city offers a surprising model in the war on anti-Semitism.


Idealism in Ashes
Reviewed by Jerome E. Copulsky
German Idealism and the Jew: The Inner Anti-Semitism of Philosophy and German Jewish Responses by Michael Mack

Intelligence Failure
Reviewed by Samuel J. Spector
Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror by Richard A. Clarke

Waters of Babylon
Reviewed by Yitzhak Dahan
The Arab-Jews: Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity by Yehouda Shenhav

Reviewed by Daniel A. Doneson
The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu: Humanitarian Despotism and the Conditions of Modern Tyranny by Maurice Joly (John S. Waggoner, ed. and trans.)

His Body, Ourselves
Reviewed by Benjamin Balint
Abraham’s Promise by Michael Wyschogrod (R. Kendall Soulen, ed.)


Jewish economics, biblical archaeology, and more

From the

Levi Eshkol, Forgotten HeroIsrael’s third prime minister offers a different model of Jewish leadership.
Cruel BritanniaAnti-Semitism in Britain has gone mainstream.
I.B. Singer's Cruel ChoiceFate and freedom for his characters, for himself.
An Attempt to Identify the Root Cause of AntisemitismA prominent Israeli author gets to the bottom of the world`s oldest hatred.
Lost Generation

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