
Autumn 5766 / 2005, no. 22

From the Editors:

Facts Underground
By David Hazony


Israel and the Arab Spring
By Benjamin Balint, Daniel A. Doneson
The Jewish state’s role in the new pax democratica.

Rethinking International Law
By Armand Laferrere
It's time to change the way the UN does business, helps the needy, and manages conflict.


The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Problem
By Arlene Kushner
How to solve their plight and end the half-century-long crisis.

Soul of Fire: A Theory of Biblical Man
By Ethan Dor-Shav
Our common fate as water, earth, wind, and fire.

The Magician of Ljubljana
By Assaf Sagiv
The totalitarian dreams of Slavoj Žižek.


All Anti-Utopians Now
Reviewed by Clifford Orwin
At the Point of a Gun: Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention by David Rieff

Are the French Anti-Semitic?
Reviewed by Emile Perreau-Saussine
Preachers of Hate: Traversing Planetary Judeophobia by Pierre-Andre Taguieff

Reviewed by Yuval Rivlin
A Different Chorus by Nurit Gertz

Toleration, for God’s Sake
Reviewed by Adam Wolfson
How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West by Perez Zagorin


Jonathan D. Sarna, Richard L. Rubenstein, and others

From the

Operation Cast Lead and the Ethics of Just WarWas Israel's conduct in its campaign against Hamas morally justified?
Save the Citizens’ Army
The Magician of LjubljanaThe totalitarian dreams of Slavoj Žižek.
The Jews’ Right To Statehood: A DefenseA new look at Zionism from the perspective of universal rights.
The Road to Democracy in the Arab WorldLiberalism has deep roots in the Middle East, if we know where to look.

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