
Summer 5766 / 2006, no. 25

From the Editors:

By Assaf Sagiv


How to Speak Politically About Religion
By Pierre Manent
Are Christendom and Islam at War?


God's Alliance with Man
By Joshua A. Berman
By adopting the features of ancient treaties, the Bible effected a revolution in the way we relate to God and to each other.

Voodoo Demographics
By Roberta Seid, Michael L. Wise, Bennett Zimmerman
Why the Palestinians radically inflate their population figures—and what this means for the future of the Middle East.

The Haredim: A Defense
By Aharon Rose
How scholars have misunderstood the ultra-Orthodox.


Suicide Watch
Reviewed by Aharon Horwitz
Dying to Kill: The Allure of Suicide Terrorism by Mia Bloom

Confused Warfare
Reviewed by Yagil Henkin
Diffused Warfare: War in the Twenty-First Century by Haim Assa, Yedidya Ya'ari

Reviewed by Noah Pollak
Guests of the Ayatollah: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam by Mark Bowden

Fukuyama's Second Thoughts
Reviewed by Jonah Goldberg
America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power and the Neo-Conservative Legacy by Francis Fukuyama


Jonathan S. Tobin, Jerome S. Kaufman, and others.

From the

Secret of the SabbathIt isn’t about R&R. It’s about how to be a creative human being.
I.B. Singer's Cruel ChoiceFate and freedom for his characters, for himself.
The Political Legacy of Theodor HerzlBefore the melting pot, a different vision of the Jewish state.
The 'USS Liberty': Case ClosedJune 8, 1967: Why did the IDF open fire on an American spy ship?
Cruel BritanniaAnti-Semitism in Britain has gone mainstream.

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