
Daniel Gordis

The Shape and Meaning of Biblical History
The story of the rise and fall of the Hebrew commonwealth is well known—but have we paid attention to the bigger picture?
Summer 5771 / 2011, no. 45

The Tower of Babel and the Birth of Nationhood
A unified humanity is an age-old dream - one that the Bible completely rejects.
Spring 5770 / 2010, no. 40

From the

Orde Wingate: Friend Under FireThe new historians take aim at the father of the IDF.
Facts Underground 
I.B. Singer's Cruel ChoiceFate and freedom for his characters, for himself.
Jews and the Challenge of SovereigntyIs "Jewish state" a contradiction in terms?
Star-CrossedRosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy by Peter Eli Gordon

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