
James Kirchick

The Guru of Conventional Wisdom
The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria
Summer 5769 / 2009, no. 37

The Last True Leftist
Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism by Bernard-Henri Levy
Winter 5769 / 2009, no. 35

Not Great
God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Chistopher Hitchens
Autumn 5768 / 2007, no. 30

Going South
South Africa has become a paragon of resentment, anti-Americanism, and the coddling of dictators.
Summer 5767 / 2007, no. 29

God and Mamet
The Wicked Son by David Mamet
Spring 5767 / 2007, no. 28

From the

Levi Eshkol, Forgotten HeroIsrael’s third prime minister offers a different model of Jewish leadership.
How Great Nations Can Win Small WarsIraq, Northern Ireland, and the secret strength of democratic peoples.
Is There a Future for French Jewry?A changing political culture may leave no room for Europe's largest Jewish community.
Job’s Path to EnlightenmentA new interpretation of the Bible's most enigmatic book.
Cruel BritanniaAnti-Semitism in Britain has gone mainstream.

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