
Michael J. Totten

Terrorism’s Mask of Sanity
Hezbollah: A Short History by Augustus Richard Norton
Autumn 5770 / 2009, no. 38

No Friends But the Mountains
A visit to Kurdistan reveals an autonomous people ready for an alliance with America and Israel.
Autumn 5768 / 2007, no. 30

From the

The Gaza Flotilla and the New World DisorderINGOs are trying to reshape world politics at the expense of the nation-state.
Cruel BritanniaAnti-Semitism in Britain has gone mainstream.
Star-CrossedRosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy by Peter Eli Gordon
The UN’s Palestinian Refugee ProblemHow to solve their plight and end the half-century-long crisis.
The Haredim: A DefenseHow scholars have misunderstood the ultra-Orthodox.

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